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Crew Management

Crew management: Crew by Choice, Family by Heart

  • Recruitment and selection
    We identify, recruit, and select qualified and certified crew members, including officers, engineers, ratings, and other maritime professionals, to meet the specific needs of each vessel and its operation.
  • Crew training and development
    We organize and provide training and development programs to enhance the skills, competencies, and safety awareness of crew members, including safety drills, emergency response training, and compliance with international maritime regulations.
  • Crew scheduling
    We create and maintain schedules for crew members, including rotations between sea service and shore leave, while considering factors such as voyage durations and rest periods.
  • Crew welfare
    Addressing the welfare and well-being of crew members, including provisions for food, accommodation, medical care, and recreational facilities during their time on board.
  • Crew payroll and compensation
    Administering payroll and compensation systems, including salaries, bonuses, and benefits, and ensuring compliance with employment contracts and labor laws.
  • Travel and visa arrangements
    Handling travel arrangements, visa processing, and crew transportation to and from vessels, including airport transfers and logistics.
  • Medical services
    We manage crew medical examinations, vaccinations, and medical emergencies, as well as providing access to medical professionals and facilities when needed.
  • Crew documentation and compliance
    Ensuring that all crew-related documentation, such as contracts, passports, seafarer’s books, and visas, are current and compliant with regulations.
  • Crew replacement and repatriation
    Organizing crew replacements and repatriation when crew members complete their contracts or in cases of emergencies or medical issues.
  • Crisis management
    Developing and implementing crisis management plans and procedures to address emergencies at sea and providing support to crew and vessels in distress.