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For our culture, we take inspiration from the philosophy of intrapreneurship. We cultivate the entrepreneurial spirit within our organization. Building this spirit encourages our employees to think and act like entrepreneurs within the organization, driving innovation and propelling the company forward. Instead of having a structured approach to innovation that promotes standardized, traditional business processes and controlled access to knowledge, Morrissey thrives on creating solutions born from ingenuity and cleverness.

Empowerment through Ownership

We provide employees with autonomy and the authority to make decisions related to their work. Thus, we encourage them to take the initiative and feel a sense of ownership in their roles.

Nurturing Creativity and Innovation

Morrisey creates dedicated time and resources for brainstorming and innovation where employees can explore new solutions and challenge traditional methods. We create conditions for people to feel safe being creative and think outside the box. We give our people the skills on how to use innovation tools and give recognition generously for an idea that is new and innovative.

Open Channels of Communication

The environment that Morrissey has built allows ideas to flow freely. Therefore, we have established communication channels enabling employees to share their thoughts, concerns, and innovative concepts. We have created a platform for opportunities by allowing anyone, anywhere in an organization, to explore an idea and to bring fresh perspectives. We have simplified the central innovation processes by making sharing, text, developing, and scaling opportunities easier.

Risk-Taking is Rewarded

Calculated risks are not only accepted in Morrissey but also celebrated. We recognize and reward employees who take well-considered risks that lead to positive outcomes. We have set policy to create an environment that encourages healthy, calculated risks without fear of punitive consequences. This allows them to step out of their comfort zones and try new approaches.

Recognition of Intrapreneurs

We have established recognition programs that acknowledge and celebrate employees who exhibit intrapreneurial qualities. This recognition is done through awards, bonuses, or public acknowledgment.

Cultivate a Growth Mindset

Our employees see challenges as opportunities for growth and learning, which allows them to have an enhanced problem-solving mindset. Furthermore, we view effort as a necessary path of learning and improvement. The more effort you put into something, the more likely you will master it. Therefore, we acknowledge effort, not just success. We recognize employees for their dedication and effort to personal and professional growth, regardless of whether their efforts lead to immediate success.